
Category: org news / announcement Written by Bryan Rivera Hits: 6513


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 The occurrence of water contaminants such as pesticides, industrial chemicals, heavy metals, nutrients, pathogens, etc. contributes to the pollution of waterways and river systems in the Philippines. This research will focus on the occurrence, levels and locational sources of Endocrine Disrupting compounds (EDCs) to provide up-to-date scientific data and information on emerging contaminants in aquatic systems in the country. The findings will also be useful in formulating guidelines on the prevention of EDCs contamination not only in wastewater treatment plant effluents and urban wastewaters but also in aquatic systems especially those that are used in aquaculture and domestic water production 






The aim of the project is to determine the occurrence, levels, and variations of endocrine disrupting compounds in waterways and river systems that reach aquatic systems.